Thursday, October 27, 2011

Queue-Torial: Rope Twists

Here is a quick "queue"-torial on rope twists!

For the purposes of this, I did not use any product in P's hair. I do recommend, if you are leaving the style in for any length of time, to use something for frizz and to moisturize. I usually stick with Shea Moisture Curl Smoothie or Organix Moroccan Aragan Oil for these styles. Both products make her hair very soft and manageable, and they smell awesome. Be careful to not use too much of any one product as it can cause build-up.

STEP ONE: I detangled her hair and spritzed it with a water/conditioner mixture. I then divide her ponytail into two equal sections.

STEP TWO: Twist each strand of hair clockwise (to the right). I hold the ends to keep them twisted tightly.

STEP THREE: Keeping the sections twisted clockwise, place the right section OVER the left section.

STEP FOUR: Keep twisting right OVER TOP of left-- being sure to keep that counterclockwise twist on each section. I find it easy to do a quick twist to the right as I am placing right section-over-left section. It becomes a pattern of: cross hair, twist sections, cross hair, twist sections.

Finished product. You can secure with a rubber band (I have to with P's hair, it will not stay otherwise) and finish off with beads, barrettes, etc.

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